A Guide to Undergarment Do’s and Don’ts for Plus Size Brides

Payal Shah

A Guide to Undergarment Do’s and Don’ts for Plus Size Brides

Over the years, there are many special occasions and days that stand out in a human being’s life. A special occasion can be anything, right from your first award, getting your first job or getting to do what you want professionally. 

There are a lot of occasions that stand out on a personal level too. First day of college or high school, your eighteenth birthday, getting something from your own money for the first time and many other such times. 

However, on a personal level no occasion probably comes close enough to the day of your marriage. 

It is a day many people dream of, be it male or female. Females dream about it comparatively more than males, and they have huge dreams on how they want their wedding day to be. 

A Guide to Undergarment Do’s and Don’ts for Plus Size Brides

There is a list of things they want and for all those things to happen, they undertake meticulous planning. Everything is set out as a task and only once have all those tasks been achieved do they get satisfied with how their wedding went. 

One other thing however, along with the bridal dress, the food and everything else that is as essential as the rest is the undergarments they wear on the night of their wedding.

Yes, it might be a little weird to be reading this, but if one thinks about it, this thought isn’t that far fetched. Wedding day is special so why shouldn’t everything centered around it not be special. 

While, it is obvious that the undergarments will be the best on the wedding day, there might be a few things that might go wrong with it. With that in mind, here are a few do’s and don’ts to follow when selecting the wedding day undergarments.

Wearing Cotton Undergarments – Don’t

Wedding dresses are usually tailored perfectly to every inch of your body, the way you want it to be. These gorgeous wedding gowns have a wonderful form-fitting and are extremely light in weight. They are also flowy in nature to add beauty to the bride’s dress. 

plus size wedding lingerie
Image Source – Pinterest.com

Pairing such a beautiful wedding gown with a set of cotton undergarments is a strict no.

When you pair such beautiful attire with cotton lingerie, it is nothing short of a disaster in the making. 

Cotton as a fabric is famous for getting bunched up and clinging uncomfortably to the skin. Opt for lycra or nylon based undergarments that would support your bust throughout the night. 

Shying away from Colorful Lingerie- Don’t

 If you are a bride, you would be used to seeing neutral colors everywhere for several weeks now. Colorful undergarments offer the perfect opportunity to have a little fun with your wedding routine. 

If your wedding dress has hints of blue, pink, red or even pale green, you can always choose to buy your underwear in muted shades of the same.

Colorful lingerie is simply put, extremely attractive. Why then won’t colorful lingerie go well on a day when you look possibly the most attractive you will ever do. 

Colorful lingerie also adds a bit of playfulness to your looks once the marriage and the ceremony is over. Ladies, here we are putting it in plain sight, colorful lingerie on a wedding day is not a no no for any plus size bride.

Ladies here we are putting it in plain sight, colorful lingerie on a wedding day is not a no no for any plus size bride
Image Source – Pinterest.com

Style over Comfort- Don’t

Lace underwear seems to be a popular option in wedding underwear. But don’t resign yourself to some virginal white lace or fishnet undergarments if your personal style is edgy and bold. 

Choose underwear that would become a part of your personality and make you feel sexy from the inside out.

It is always about comfort when it comes to choosing the right undergarments for yourself. Whether it is an ordinary day or your wedding day, nothing beats comfort. 

While style and what is popular at that point of time in the lingerie fashion terms does hold importance, if that particular style does not suit your body type, it is a bad choice to stick to it. 

Plus size brides have to take special care about it, as they have to choose from a limited range keeping more things about their body in mind. 

Not choosing the right size- Don’t

There is a misconception amongst women in general that smaller sized underwear gives you more support and boosts the appearance of a cleavage. 

But this can’t be more far off from the real truth. While undergarments of a large size would make your breasts sag, those of a smaller size would cut into your flesh and make the entire wedding day a painful event for you. 

Plus size brides have to take special care about it, as they have to choose from a limited range keeping more things about their body in mind
Image Source – Pinterest.com

Similarly, an oversized undergarment is also troublesome. Not only does it make the entire evening haphazard for you because of the fact that you constantly have to keep adjusting it, it also takes the attention away from your look. 

Choosing the right size of undergarments is really important, especially on the occasion of your own wedding. Avail the aid of the staff at the underwear shop and they will help you find undergarments that are exactly the right size.

Obviously, the cut of your dress plays an important role in narrowing down your search. Strapless dresses and dresses with plunging backs and necklines are the most tricky to work with, but not impossible. 

Modern technology has made it possible to find really nicely designed bras and bustiers that do the same job without a visible strap.

Fabric is also a big factor to keep in mind when shopping. If you’ve selected a dress that hugs your curves, you’ll want to make sure that your bra and underwear are removing lines, rather than creating them. 

In this case, more full-bodied shapewear is the recommendation. Remember, lingerie is as important on your wedding day as the rest of your attire.

Even the slightest of mismatches or a choice of the wrong undergarment can bring a little dull point to your wedding day. Choose the undergarments that suit you, and look your scintillating best on your wedding day. 

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