Ashley Graham has transcended the barriers of conventional beauty and emerged as one of the world’s leading models, even though she is a plus size model. Ashley Graham was discovered when she was 12.
Her modelling career has been growing in leaps and bounds ever since. She is a beautiful plus size model who has adorned the cover of many fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harpar Bazaar and Elle and has been a part of many activities and campaigns.
Her fame is not limited to the fashion industry. She is a respected plus size model who has been a part of many philanthropic activities.

She has hosted a ted talk, addressed a UN leadership summit and even written a book about her experiences being a plus size woman and a plus size model in this harsh world of internet trolls.
Her confidence is unparalleled and has proven to be infectious. Everything from her Instagram posts to her interviews and even her campaigns exude confidence and promote body positivity.
This may be the reason behind the explosive success of all the campaigns she has been associated with or featured for. Here are some of her most memorable ad campaigns and modelling assignments that have taken the fashion and internet community by storm.

These Bodies are Beautiful At Every Size
This is one of the earliest and one of the most notable campaigns that propelled the idea of acceptance, body positivity and preached self love. What started with a simple picture of Lizzie Miller in her au naturale.
This campaign then blew up when models like Amy lemons, Kate Dillon and Ashley Graham. Ashley Graham is one of the few plus size models who understand that the models who are labelled plus size often represent the majority of the population.

Loud and Proud
Ahsley Graham is a plus size model who has collaborated with the plus size fashion brand addition Elle to create a sensual lingerie collection. The campaign shows Ashley Graham and other plus size models in pretty and comfortable lingerie. This collaboration blew up with the hashtag loud and proud and made many women feel more comfortable with their bodies.
Leave it to Ashely Graham to make a jaw dropping appearance and spread a positive message all at the same time.
I Am Size Sexy
Ashley Graham is a beautiful plus size model that has made headlines not only because of her ad campaigns. She has also taken the internet by storm when she walked the New York Fashion Week, becoming one of the first plus size models to do so.

The pictures from.this walk were posted with the hashtag ‘I am Size Sexy’ which garnered a lot of positive feedback and support from women all over the world.
Beauty is Beyond Size
Plus size model Ashley Graham has stated that this campaign has made many women become more proud of their body type and made them to ‘stay loud’ and become more powerful.
This campaign was propelled by Ashley Graham’s belief that if more women raised their voices and spread the message through social media, their solidarity would encourage fashion labels to become more inclusive of all types of women.
Ashley Graham posted pictures with this hashtag encouraging beautiful plus size women to take a stand and push fashion brands to change the way they see plus size models and do better by the younger generation.

I’m No Angel
This movement was very famously started by Lane Bryant. But it took the fashion industry and the internet by storm. When famous models like Ashley Graham came forward to support the movement and it’s message.
Ashley Graham supported this movement as a plus size model who wanted to challenge the message that a very famous brand Victoria’s Secret has held onto. Their campaigns always feature size zero models and it is no secret that they have refused to make changes and be more inclusive even though the world around them changes.
Lane Bryant along with Ahsley Graham and other beautiful plus size models posted pictures and stories with the hashtag I’m no angel referring to the term coined for Victoria’s Secret models – Angels.

This movement in no way shamed the models who already feature on the magazines but asked for equal representation of other body types in media as well.
Plus is Equal
Another notable movement started by Lane Bryant. This movement aimed to disregard the term ‘Plus Size’ advocating for the idea that the plus size models should not be termed plus size as they represent a majority of women in the world and especially in the States.
This movement was marked by the hashtag plus is Equal and was supported by many beautiful plus size models, one of them being Ashley Graham. She aimed to eradicate the use of the world’s plus size and denounced the idea that women were to be categorised on the basis of their size between plus size and those who were not.
This was an empowering movement that gained much traction after Ashley Graham joined it.

Real is Beautiful
If you are under the impression that Ashley Graham has only been a strong advocate of inclusive fashion and encouraging women to be proud of their shape Anne size, you are about to change your mind!
Ashley Graham is a beautiful plus size model that has encouraged raw photos, without any retouching, to be published instead of photos that hide stretch marks and cellulite.

This movement that encouraged many women to stop. Chasing the idea of perfection, was marked with the hashtag real is beautiful. This was one of the most successful movements that Ashley Graham supported and propelled.
If you are impressed with the amazing body positive movements that Ashley Graham has been a proud part of, you can also use one of these hashtags to show your support to this loveable plus size model.