Payal Shah

Top Plus Size Models and How They Managed to Change the Game
No matter what you do, where you belong, and whatever you accomplish, there will always be a few eyes in ...

Plus Size Modelling, Where Race does not Divide!
More and more women have started coming out and taking on the system and the preconceived notion that in order ...

Jordyn Woods: A Plus Size Model Not Shunning Away from Limelight
It is a big task for you to handle the paparazzi when you are even remotely close or related to ...

Iskra Lawrence, 29-Year-Old Model Smashing the World of Fashion
There is so much going on in the world of fashion every day that it is possibly the most exciting ...

Lindsey Pelas and Her Rise to Modelling Stardom
Lindsey Nicole Pelas, a model, actress, social media influencer, and entrepreneur was born on 19 May 1991. The American star ...

Precious Lee and her Trailblazing Career in the Limelight
As her name quite clearly indicates, Precious Lee is among the most important people in the world of fashion at ...

Denise Bidot, a Model Looking to Create a Better World for her Child
Time and again, there have been stories of how different women have come up and transitioned the way people look ...

Candice Huffine and her Lifelong Dream of making it big
There will always be stories around all of us about people who managed, rather than who worked really hard to ...

Lilli Luxe, More than Just a Set of Pretty Eyes
The most common trait that you will find among people were you to take a survey someday about what is ...

5 Common Myths About Plus Size Fashion | Plus Size Pedia
When we discuss plus size fashion, we have varying reactions depending on our context, knowledge, and interaction with it. Still, ...