Organizing your closet may seem overwhelming, but you can complete the task in a weekend and the results will be well worth it.
An organized closet is more than just aesthetically pleasing. It saves you from the chaos of climbing for that dress or accessory at the last minute, and it even keeps you from overspending (no more buying duplicates or pieces you don’t need).
Simply follow this step by step guide to organizing your closet and you’ll be on your way to a stress free, organized space in no time.

1. Use matching velvet, slim profile hangers
When space is small, using the slimline hangers instead of bulky plastic hangers allows you to fit a lot more hanging items in the same area.
Not to mention that having all of your hangers match is aesthetically pleasing.
We used to think of velvet hangers as a luxury item, but we now realize they’re a relatively low cost investment with a big impact.
2. Take Everything Out of the Closet
It may seem like you’re working backwards when you tackle the first step of organizing your closet, which is taking everything out and giving it a thorough evaluation.
This is where the saying “it gets worse before it gets better” comes in handy.
But trust us, this is an important step. “The very first thing you need to do when you begin planning your closet is take everything out of the space,”
This makes it easier to sort through your belongings because it gives you a clear picture of the space and allows you to keep track of everything.

3. Sort similar items together, then order them by color, lightest to darkest
When getting dressed, finding the pieces you need is made quick and simple by grouping like items together.
To start, hang all of your tank tops and sleeveless tops together, then your short sleeves, your three quarter length sleeves, and finally your long sleeves.
After similar items are grouped together, arrange the items in your closet according to color, lightest to darkest, to make things even easier for you to find and to make them look even more appealing.
4. Regularly declutter your closet; sell or donate items you no longer need
Possessing clothes that are no longer functional is a habit shared by almost all plus size women we know.
We all remember times when it was incredibly hard to find attractive clothes that fit, so we personally believe that’s why.
Our attitude toward fashion is one of “lack mentality,” where we feel that we should hang onto everything just in case we can’t find anything nice again.
5. Shop wisely by making a list of essential items for your wardrobe and avoiding impulsive purchases
Make a list of the things you want to add to your wardrobe in a note on your phone. Take note of anything you wear frequently if it appears faded and worn.
Add a new belt to your list for that occasion when you’re getting dressed and realize you’d like to wear it with something special.
Using your list will help you avoid making impulsive purchases of items you won’t wear and keep you focused during your shopping excursions.
Strategic shopping is incredibly helpful in many ways, but it’s especially beneficial for maintaining the organization of your closet and preventing wasteful spending on unnecessary purchases.
6. Measure and Count Everything
It’s time to make an inventory now. Measure and count everything you have and intend to keep, such as the quantity of each item in each category, the heights of your shoes, the widths of your hats, and other details.
Measure the amount of hanging, drawer, and shelf space you have when your closet is empty.
The hanging rods’ height can also be measured. If all of this seems too much to handle, at the very least, measure the depth, width, and height of your closet drawers and shelves.
7. Organize Your Closet
You can adjust shoe shelves (if adjustable) and hanging rod heights now that you have your measurements and inventory.
“We frequently ignore that we can move the shelves and hanging rods in our closet.
Add any dressers, trays, bins, and baskets you’ve bought, as well as other storage options, to your closet. Ahead of time, measure the area to make sure everything fits perfectly!
8. Return Everything to its place
Here it is, the moment you have been waiting for: reassembling your closet. When you organize your pieces, take into account which ones you wear frequently and put those in convenient locations.
We suggest you to keep items you use less frequently “in harder to reach places, like a top shelf or back corner.”
You can arrange or style your closet according to the type of item, color, formality, and designer depending on your closet inventory and closet design. Use and maintain the system that you find most effective.
How to Make the Most of Your Closet Area
Larger closets exist than smaller ones. Try these space-expanding ideas to maximize every square inch if you need to.
Employ bins and baskets
You can organize things with these items to make them more easily accessible.
For example, you could have clear bins for seasonal boots or sweaters and baskets for beachwear or workout clothes.
Purchase matching hangers
Concentrate on your hangers to free up more space. Changing out your hangers for matching slimline versions is the best way to make more room in your closet and create a uniform look.
Place your dresser inside
By putting your dresser inside the closet and positioning it directly below hung items, you can maximize the negative space beneath your clothes and free up additional space in your bedroom.
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